Friday 5 October 2012

Professional Contracts....

Professional contracts 'will attract tenants'

Letting agents and landlords are more likely to be able to attract tenants if they ensure their rental agreements are drawn up properly.

This was the advice given by spokesman for the Tenancy Deposit Scheme Malcolm Harrison, who explained how people have higher expectations now than a decade ago. According to the expert, what prospective renters look for in a property will vary dependent on the age and lifestyle of the individual. However, the majority of people will have the same expectations when it comes to contracts. At Applegate Lettings our tenancy agreements are fully approved by NFOPP (National Federation of Property Professionals) and average between 23-25 pages long. It is because of the detail that goes into these agreements that both tenants and landlords are provided with extra protection and makes things such as handling bonds at the end of a tenancy much easier as there are clear guidelines in how a tenant should have maintained the property.

"Tenants expectations are for the tenancy to be run properly, for there to be tenancy deposit protection and for the tenancy agreement to be drawn up properly," Mr Harrison stated.

He claimed that these things are expected "very much more" than they would have been ten years ago.

Chief executive officer of Fresh Start Living Charlie Cunningham recently explained how it is important to ensure rents are competitive if landlords want to guarantee their property will not sit empty.

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