Saturday 19 January 2013

Letting Agent Reform

A debate over the potential reform of letting agent regulations took place in the House of Lords on Wednesday.

Baroness Hayter, shadow minister for business, innovation and skills in the Lords, rose to lay her amendments to the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill. The amendments aim to bring letting agents within the scope of the Estate Agents Act 1979 and put in place a minimum level of professional standards for the private rental sector.

It is hoped that these changes will provide greater protection for consumers and raise standards in the industry. The amendments were drafted by RICS, which worked alongside Baroness Hayter to gather vital industry support for the proposals. A number of members from all sides of the house gave their backing to the proposition, with conservative peers Lord Lucas and Lord Devan speaking in support. However, the government continues to suggest that current legislation and the Safe Agent scheme provides the necessary protection.

At Applegate Lettings, we already provide an incredibly high standard of service to our customers and as one of our core values, excellent customer service remains at the forefront of what we aim to do here.

Baroness Hayter will return to the amendment at the report stage in early March.

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