Thursday 10 July 2014

Top tips to sell your home fast

Top tips to sell your home fast

Selling your home can be a minefield, it can often take a lot more time than expected.

We have put together some top tips to help speed up the process:
First Impressions
Potential buyers form an impression within seconds of seeing your property. To make a good impression, it’s important to give your home that appeal straight away. Paint the front door, tidy the garden and get out the hanging baskets.
Buyers need to picture themselves living in your property and it can be hard to see through walls and walls of family photos so de-clutter and try to make the place as neutral as possible.
Create an atmosphere 
It’s a cliché but nice smells like freshly baked bread and flowers on display can make a big difference to making your home stand apart from others.
Animals and viewings don’t mix 
Make sure pets are elsewhere and out of the way during viewings and that you have got rid of the cat litter tray. Spray some air freshener to get rid of those pesky pet odours.
Listen to your agent 
It’s an estate agent’s job to give honest and impartial advice so take this on board when preparing your home for sale and chances are you’ll find a buyer in no time.
Don’t be greedy
Ask a price that will entice interest.
Keep the place looking its best
Obvious? It’s amazing how many people present their properties badly
Instruct a good solicitor
Engage with a good solicitor, even prior to agreeing a sale.
Have all your paperwork to hand
Planning permissions, building regulations, insurance etc.
Market for a competitive to low guide price to create a competitive frenzy to let the property find its own value
Open house
Hold an open house as above to create that frenzy (mini auction)
Utilise all tools at your / agents disposal
Professional photography, audio tours, enhanced internet marketing to stand out from the crowd online and to increase your click through rate.
Keep an eye on the competition by signing up to instant alerts to be the first in the queue when a property hits Rightmove.
Home staging
Stage your house for the viewing day by de–cluttering, opening curtains and switching on lights moving cars off the drive, mowing lawns and tending to the frontage as first impressions count.
Be accommodating at viewings
Be as accommodating as possible with viewings particularly on the open house by going out and leaving your agent to it.

Hopefully these tips have helped you well on your way to a successful property sale! Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Source: Rightmove

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