Tuesday 26 February 2013

Rental Costs Grow In Yorkshire

Rental costs in Yorkshire grew by 12 per cent in 2012, the highest rate of growth in the UK.

The county, which previously had some of the lowest rental rates in the country, is now beginning to fall in line with other areas.

Figures released by property experts Move With Us show that the average rental costs cost in Yorkshire rose to £629 per month, closing the gap on areas such as the West Midlands by 80 per cent.

The north-east of England also saw a sharp rise in costs, with an average increase of £73 per month.

Robin King, director of Move With Us, said that high demand in these areas is pushing prices up to be more consistent with general market levels.

He added that growth rates will eventually level off to a more sustainable figure in 2013.

Mr King also stated that the north-east may become an attractive region for investment from lettings agents, due to its "lower industry costs and strong yield".

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