Friday 1 March 2013

February Round Up!

February always tends to go by very quickly but we've been so busy this month that it's literally flown by!

With 100% of new properties on the market last month coming from referrals, it's certainly been a confidence building month with our current landlords' recommendations really showing themselves in the statistics. We've also had 0 withdrawals yet again, we must be doing something right!

We welcomed a new member of staff in February, Sarah Farnell has joined us as a Lettings Administrator and she's already settling right in! Managing Director Amy Wray attending a regional ARLA meeting at The Marriot in York (Association of Residential Letting Agents) and an ARLA Advanced Lettings course in Chester on Valentines Day and came away with a vast amount of information that she's looking forward to implementing into Applegate's systems in the next few months.

We've got a lot of new ventures in the pipeline at the moment - the testimonials page we mentioned at the end of last month should be up and running in March. We're very much looking forward to putting all our great feedback out there for you to see! We're also working on a new system that will guarantee 100% of all calls are answered during business hours rather than ever having to leave a voice mail....more on that when we're ready to launch!

March promises to be another busy month - we're currently working on a making our website even better, making it even easier to load your own property onto the Applegate website and making pages more interactive. Applegate Lettings administrator Laura Joy Everitt is attending a MyDeposits training seminar in Manchester in the first week of March. She's doing this to ensure that our inventories and check out reports coincide with exactly how the bond company request in order to safeguard our landlords.

With all of this going on, perhaps that's why February flew by so fast!

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