Saturday 16 March 2013

Applegate on Linked In

Here at Applegate Lettings we're more than aware of the importance of using social media for your business. That is why over the last year we've really branched out with our social networking, updating our followers on a regular basis on Facebook, Twitter and especially with this blog!

Well we now have another new avenue for keeping people updated with what's going on with Applegate Lettings, our very own Company Page on Linked In! 

Launched in 2003 as a social networking website for people in professional occupations, our Managing Director, Amy Wray, has been using Linked In for professional networking for several years now but with the recent addition of company pages, we are excited to announce the launch of Applegate Lettings on Linked In. 

If you're a member of Linked In and would like to follow Applegate Lettings, you can find our profile with this link. You can also connect with our Managing Director Amy Wray with this one!

If you're not on Linked In, there are still so many other ways to keep up with our news and updates, either by subscribing to our blog, following us on Twitter or liking us on FacebookAnd not forgetting our website, where all our updates can be found in our News section! 

You could do them all!

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