Monday 22 April 2013

Boris backs letting agent regulations…..

The Mayor of London has backed calls for the introduction of new regulations for letting agents.
This represents a change of direction for Boris Johnson, who has previously been against adding more legislation to the private rental sector, the Financial Times reports.
Next week, the government will vote on an amendment to the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill, which would make it compulsory for letting agents to sign up to a redress scheme.
The House of Lords has already voted in favour of the proposals.
Richard Blakeway, the deputy mayor for housing, said there are currently too many rogue agents in London.
“This is why the mayor is working towards a new, voluntary, London Rental Standard and supports the campaign to ensure letting agents join an ombudsman, something which is already a legal requirement for estate agents,” he commented.
Mr Blakeway said the regulations would create a more competitive market and give peace of mind to renters in the capital.

Article taken from
Image: Spiro/Shutterstock

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