Friday 5 April 2013

March Round Up!

With all the bad weather we've been experiencing recently, we have to admit, we were happy to see the back of March! Weather woes aside though, it's actually been quite a productive month for Applegate Lettings! 

The weather has been terrible for everyone, however, we managed to visit all of the properties that we were scheduled to during this time and did not cancel one single appointment. There were certainly several applicants who were unable to reach us because of the snow but we're pleased to confirm that from our end, all viewings, valuations and check ins went ahead as planned. 

We made some changes within our team with Sarah Farnell, our most recent recruit, being appointed as Applegate's Maintenance Manager - she will be dealing with all maintenance issues going forward. Our Senior Lettings Administrator, Laura Everitt, attended a training seminar in Manchester in the first week of March. We had some fantastic feedback from MyDeposits who were running the course - they said that our check in procedures, inventories and check out procedures seemed very thorough and other than a few additional suggestions, nothing needed to be changed. Laura is now looking into becoming a qualified inventory clerk for Applegate over the next 12 months as she clearly has the skills required for the job!

Although perhaps more of a 'behind the scenes' update, we are now officially working on brand new software at Applegate Lettings. As the company has grown so rapidly, we have now invested in state of the art technology to manage properties, works, updates, advertising etc. Although the changeover has been extremely difficult, over the next few weeks it will gradually free up more time for us to be picking up the phone and speaking to landlords and tenants by increasing the manual administration. We are constantly aware that we must not slip with the high levels of customer service that we provide and this is the main reason for investing in this software. Our entire team are undertaking additional training on Friday to ensure that we are working as effectively as possible and we're all very excited about it!

Here at Applegate Lettings we're more than aware of the importance of using social media for your business - that is why we now have another new avenue for keeping people updated with what is going on with Applegate Lettings, our very own Company Page on Linked In! If you're a member of Linked In and would like to follow Applegate Lettings, you can find our profile with this link. You can also connect with our Managing Director Amy Wray with this one! If you're not on Linked In, there are still so many other ways to keep up with our news and updates, either by subscribing to our blog, following us on Twitter or liking us on FacebookAnd not forgetting our website, where all our updates can be found in our News section! 

With all sorts going on this month, the event we were most excited about from March was the launching of our new testimonials page on the Applegate website. We've been talking about it a lot over the last couple of months but we're pleased to announce that the page has now officially gone live! After constantly receiving positive feedback from landlords and tenants for the past two and a half years we suddenly realised that we should be publishing this for all to read on our website. All comments listed are true and from genuine clients and permission is sought from all parties before publicising. Some wording is just a snippet from part of an email or a verbal comment but we're proud to say that all are true. If you have some feedback on our services here at Applegate Lettings that you'd be happy to see published on our website, please feel free to send us your comments!

The statistics show that 100% of new business in March came from referrals from current landlords and once again we've had 0 withdrawals so we've managed to maintain our high standards of service for yet another month!

Image: Vinz89/Shutterstock

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