Wednesday 1 May 2013

Congratulations Laura!

We're very pleased to announce that Laura Everitt, a Senior Lettings Administrator here at Applegate Lettings, has passed the very difficult APIP Accreditation exam!

Laura took on the responsibility of becoming our main in-house inventory clerk six months ago and decided that she wanted to take her skills to the next level and become qualified with the highly regarded APIP (The Association of Professional Inventory Providers). She attended additional training provided by the NFOPP (The National Federation of Property Professionals) and has recently passed her exam with flying colours and gained the qualification. 

Amy Wray, Managing Director of Applegate Lettings, said that she had every faith in Laura from the start as she has done a fantastic job in transforming the inventory process at Applegate Lettings. She mentioned that the quality of work and attention to detail was in her opinion much higher than at other local firms, which just adds to the way in which the landlords at Applegate are safeguarded.

Having an in-house inventory clerk that is a qualified member of APIP will be an added reassurance for tenants and landlords alike as an APIP member is required to meet professional standards, is fully insured and follows the APIP Code of Practice to the letter. As Laura is such a qualified member she will now take the letters MAPIP after her name.

Congratulations again Laura!!

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