Tuesday 25 June 2013

Government to 'backtrack on rental sector immigration checks'

The government is set to backtrack on its plans to force letting agents and landlords to be responsible for checking the immigration status of tenants.

This is according to shadow communities secretary Hilary Benn who believes the policy will be scrapped in most areas.

"Ministers simply don’t have a clue when it comes to detail and their policy on this is unravelling," he commented. 

Mr Benn claimed that if the government wants to tackle the problem of rogue operators in the sector, it should follow Labour's policy of introducing a statutory register for landlords. 

David Cameron announced the plans to make immigration checks the responsibility of the rental industry in March. 

However, communities secretary Eric Pickles is believed to have told the prime minister this is not viable and now the policy will only be introduced in "high-risk" areas where the chances of illegal immigrants wanting to rent is particularly common.

Image: FotograFFF/Shutterstock

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