Monday 3 June 2013

May Round Up!

It's been another busy month at Applegate Lettings and although we enjoyed the few days of sunshine we've had, like everyone else we're wondering when Summer is going to hurry up and get here!

We've been the proud sponsors of Marsden F.C. since last Summer and we attended the Huddersfield Challenge Cup Final on 7th May to watch them compete against Bay Athletic for the title. After a valiant fight they were unfortunately defeated 2-1 by Bay Athletic who made history as they became the first club ever to win the Huddersfield FA's Challenge Cup for the fourth time in a row. They should still be congratulated for reaching the final though and the Applegate team were proud to be there to cheer them on.

We welcomed a new member of staff in April - John has joined the team to assist with showing prospective applicants around properties. After a month in the job he has really settled in and we don't know how we ever managed without him. We'll have another new member of staff joining us on a full time basis from 10th June but we'll give you a proper introduction once they officially start.

We've had quite a few clients commenting in recent weeks that they are seeing more and more of our boards throughout Holmfirth and Huddersfield and the rumours are true....we are continuing to grow at a rapid pace! We put this down to our dedication to providing exceptional customer service and taking the stress out of letting, rather than contributing to it!

Our Managing Director, Amy Wray, has been nominated for the Forward Ladies Women in Business Young Business Woman of the Year! The finalists and winners will not be announced until the Autumn but we're still very excited about the nomination - well done Amy!

Over 60% of new business this month came from existing clients referrals and 30% came from existing landlords re-instructing us to deal with their properties again. We're always pleased to see results like this as it shows that not only are we getting new business but we're managing to keep it by maintaining a high standard of service that we're gradually becoming known for. With 0 withdrawals for yet another month, we're going from strength to strength!

Image: Vinz98/Shutterstock

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