Tuesday 3 September 2013

August 2013 Round Up!

August can sometimes be a quiet month with lots of people going on holiday or taking time off from work to spend with their family and friends in the sunshine (that we actually had this summer!!). Summer holidays for the kids and BBQ's usually result in a slow month for us.....this was not the case for August 2013!

Whilst the lighter evenings have remained we have continued to carry out our late evening viewings which have proven immensely popular amongst those who work during the day and who are busy at weekends. In the last month we found that just under 30% of properties taken by applicants were from those who had viewed the property on an evening. Taking this into consideration, we will be continuing to do at least one weekly evening viewing during the winter.

We've set another new record this month with 100% of new properties on the market coming either from landlords re-using us or from their recommendations - this statistic demonstrates why we introduced our new testimonials page, with so much positive word of mouth feedback, we just had to share some of it with you!

We mentioned in previous round ups that team member Laura Joy Everitt had successfully qualified as an inventory clerk and we're pleased to confirm that a number of tenants have commented on the quality of the photographic inventories since she took over the job. 

We've also been busy this month on the competition front as we've been put forward for several awards this month so watch this space....all will be revealed!!

Image: Vinz89/Shutterstock

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