Saturday 14 September 2013

Why technology is so important for letting agents

With every passing year the UK becomes an increasingly digitised nation and technology plays a bigger part in our day-to-day lives. The letting sector is no exception and agencies that embrace the digital revolution may well find themselves developing a competitive edge over those who remain rooted to the traditional way of doing things.
We take a look at how technology can take letting agents to the next level below.
If an agency doesn’t have a web presence it might as well not exist. This might sound like a gross exaggeration, but it’s true. The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics show 73 per cent of UK adults (roughly 45 million people) use the internet on a daily basis and for the vast majority of these the web is the first place they will go when looking for a letting agent.
Indeed, online use is most prominent among young people and this is a key demographic for agencies as this group accounts for the majority of tenants, be they students, young professionals or families.
Quite simply, a modern and up to date website is key for any 21st century business and letting agencies who fail to realise this risk getting left behind.
Another major benefit of technology is the ease of communication it provides. Email is a Godsend for many agencies and allows for quick, cheap and easy contact with tenants, landlords and other partners. Furthermore, online video-phone services such as Skype can allow for meetings to take place without the need for travel, thus saving time that can then be put to better use.
Social media
Developing a strong social media presence can also be advantageous for letting agents. Many people now expect companies to have active accounts on Facebook and Twitter and this can boost the brand image of an agency. It also serves as an easy way for both existing and potential tenants to engage with the company.
Some agencies may have their doubts about social media as it can allow for clients to air complaints in the public domain. However, even this can be turned into a positive, as companies can use the platform to showcase how they resolve these issues and such transparency will be welcomed by tenants and landlords alike.
Another technological innovation that can revolutionise the day-to-day operations of an agency is specialised letting agent software. Constantly updated to meet the ever-changing needs of the letting sector, your system needs to provide an all-encompassing service ranging from basic admin to marketing, management and accounts.
Here at Applegate Lettings we use social media regularly and have new software this year which is absolutely fantastic. We pride ourselves on staying abreast of the latest technological developments and communication with our clients remains our utmost priority.


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