Wednesday 3 July 2013

June 2013 Round Up!

It's official - Applegate Lettings is three years old! We celebrated our birthday on 1st July and after a record breaking month in the Applegate office our celebrations were that extra bit special. If you didn't see our post earlier in June, it was during the last month that we celebrated a record breaking week at Applegate Lettings, letting more properties in one week than ever before. If we take all of this into account and then throw in the sunny weather we've been having recently we really couldn't have asked for much more!

Speaking of setting new records at Applegate, we also completed on (moved new tenants in) more properties in June than in any other month in the three years that we have been open for business. With 0 withdrawals yet again we'd say it was a pretty successful month!

June also saw the arrival of our newest team member, Lewis, who started as a full time member of staff and is already making speedy progress and has settled in well as a member of the Applegate. Lewis will be dealing with all aspects of residential letting and management and has already taken over the management of our website along with various other responsibilities. 

We've got a busy month ahead in July, with some training to look forward to amongst other things, we look forward to telling you all about it next month!

Image: Vinz89/Shutterstock

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