Sunday 14 July 2013

Labour could ‘force’ letting agents to lower rents

The Labour Party could force letting agents and landlords to lower rents if it comes into power.
Liam Byrne, the shadow work and pensions secretary, told the BBC that doing so would allow housing benefits to be cut.
He said the government is currently spending £24 billion in this area, with much of that money going to the private rental sector. By limiting this spend, he believes more funding could be put towards social housing.
“Why don’t we give local councils the power to bring down the cost of rents,” Mr Byrne stated.
“That would stop the housing benefit bill going up and up and up.”
Such a move is likely to prove controversial and will draw criticism from both letting agents and landlords.
According to the Guardian, Mr Byrne’s statements are a result of Labour trying to move away from its image as a big-spending party and to show voters that it is willing to cut the welfare budget.

Article from
Image: Tang Yan Song/Shutterstock

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