Friday 29 August 2014

Quick tips to avoid delays when moving house

Quick tips to avoid delays when moving house

Moving day can be stressful and there is a lot to do; you should try to make it as easy on yourself as possible.

We have compiled a few quick tips to help keep you in control on move day…

Preparing to move

1. Communication is key
Keep in touch with your Lettings Agent, ensure that all your paperwork is completed and accepted, after all, they are working for you.
2. Ensure all the required funds have been sent
You should ensure your Lettings Agent has all the funds needed from you to complete the agreement.
4. Book a professional mover early
A professional removals service that will help move all your belongings on move day could be the biggest stress reliever on the day. They will ensure all your things are out of your home on time before the next tenants get the keys and will ensure they get to your next home and into the house safely. It’s also worth arranging a few contingency plans with them in advance in case anything goes wrong. Also, reserve a parking space if necessary.
5. Pack up your belongings way in advance of move day
Your removals company can also help with packing and might be able to pack up your entire house in a day or two. If you decide to do it yourself, start at least a week before and pack a few boxes each night. Pack your breakables carefully with bubble wrap, or old t-shirts and curtains etc. to wrap and pad all the items. Ensure you label all the boxes with what room they will be going to in your new house – this will help immensely on move day.

Getting moving

1. Arrange for child and pet care
Not only can children and pets be a distraction but it can also be an unsafe environment. If possible arrange for someone to help look after them on the day, this will allow to concentrate on getting moved as quickly and efficiently as possible. If the children are old enough to help, find age appropriate tasks for them so they can feel part of the move and help with workload for everyone else.
2. Meter readings
Before you leave, get a final meter reading of all your metered services and call the relevant suppliers to inform them of the numbers so you can settle up the final balance and close the account ready for moving. If you don’t do this you could end up in disputes with the new owners and it’s just added stress when you could be relaxing in your new home.
3. Pack an overnight bag as if you’re going away for the weekend
It saves trying to find clothes and toiletries that are packed away for the first night and day once you arrive in your new home. Sounds obvious but this could save you tearing your hair out trying to find your toothbrush and slippers by rummaging through all your nicely packed boxes!
4. Essentials box packed and transported with you
Essentials box to include; kettle, tea and coffee, milk, loo roll, snacks, phone charger, small radio, sellotape, pens, scissors, takeaway menus for the new house and a vase (for potential house-warming flowers!).
5. Final checks and clean
Finally, make sure you are fully prepared for the day ahead. Go through your home and ensure that you have not forgotten anything. It’s a good idea to leave your old home in a clean and tidy condition for the new owners; if you have time before the move a spring clean is always recommended so you don’t waste time and effort packing and moving items that you don’t need any more and will most likely throw away once in the new home.

Moving time!

1. Make up your new beds in the new house first
So when you’re tired later and you can’t face anymore work, you can hop straight into a comfy bed and get a good night’s sleep. This way you will feel revived and ready to crack on again in the morning!
2. Arrange for a food shop to be delivered
Having food in the house is one less thing you need to worry about. Failing that, find some local takeaway delivery companies so when you get hungry in the middle of building the beds and wardrobes you don’t have to take much time out to eat… also, if you have roped in any friends to help, they probably deserve it!
3. Meter readings
Similar to what you would have done when you left your previous home, take meter readings of all your metered services, record the numbers and call the relevant suppliers to ensure your services don’t get cut off and that there are no outstanding balances on these services from the previous owners as you don’t want your new home address to end up with a bad credit rating.
4. Introduce yourselves to the neighbours
Making friends with the neighbours can make a world of difference to your enjoyment whilst at home. Having good neighbours can be a great benefit because they can help keep an eye on the place while you’re on holiday, collect packages when you’re not at home and they might invite you to their parties at home so you’re not left being disrupted by the noise as your joining in!

Image Source: Shutterstock

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