Sunday 13 October 2013

Responsibility for communal areas in rental homes 'must be made clear'

It is important that letting agents, landlords and tenants are all clear on who is responsible for communal areas in rental properties. This is according to ARLA, which has recently issued advice on the topic. 

Susan Fitz-Gibbon, president of the organisation, commented: "Neither tenants or landlords want the upkeep of any area within a property to 'fall between the cracks', so it is vital that all parties fully understand their responsibilities." She advised landlords to seek the advice of a letting agent when clarifying responsibility for communal areas on tenancy agreements.

Ms Fitz-Gibbon claimed assumptions can lead to problems later down the line and said every party involved benefits when obligations are laid out transparently from the start of a tenancy.

ARLA provided a number of tips on how rental property owners can ensure communal spaces are well kept. These included making sure tenants can easily contact their landlord or agent and building a relationship with neighbours if the space in question is shared with another property.

At Applegate Lettings we have very detailed tenancies and inventories which clarify when any communal areas and we even supply tenants with copies of the lease at leasehold properties so they can be assured they are abiding by it. We also do a full check in at properties and often clarify at the appointment any areas the tenant is unsure of so they know their responsibilities before getting settled in.


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