Tuesday 22 October 2013

RLA slams rent cap calls

The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) has slammed calls for the government to introduce caps on private sector rents.
Last week, National Housing Federation chief executive David Orr claimed the government would be “incomprehensibly stupid” if it did not at least consider putting a limit on private rents.
However, RLA chairman Alan Ward said he was “surprised” and “disappointed” by these comments.
Speaking ahead of last month’s Labour Party conference, he claimed the last financial year saw rents increase below inflation at just 0.8 per cent.
Mr Ward added Mr Orr’s comments were based on just a few London Boroughs where a housing shortage has caused rent rises.
“The problem David Orr highlights is one of supply, which would be critically undermined by capping rents,” he stated.
Mr Ward added that trying to improve the rental sector through rent controls is the equivalent of attempting to treat flu with a “sticking plaster”.
Source: www.rman.co.uk
Image: Pablo Hidalgo/Shutterstock

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